
Gismos for Beginners

Page history last edited by nikki 15 years, 3 months ago

(8 places, tickets released Friday 6th of November on a first-come first-served basis)


Don't know your analogRead from your digitalWrite? Fear not! We're running a workshop that will introduce complete beginners to all the core Arduino language capabilities, and electronics to match.


Over approximately two and half hours, you will be guided through constructing simple programs and flashing electronic gizmos that use the core Arduino language (delay, digitalWrite, digitalRead, analogRead, analogWrite, Serial....,  if ... else, and pinMode).


The £25 price of the workshop includes a Freeduino (an open source Arduino, especially designed for breadboard prototyping), a mini breadboard, wires and all the electronics components needed for the workshop. You'll leave with all this kit and the skills to embark on an illustrious hacking career!

The prerequisites for this workshop are:
- You can use a simple text editor, like notepad

- You remember that a battery has a '+' and a '-' ...and you have some conviction that it matters.

You'll need to bring your own laptop and have already downloaded and installed version 17 of the Arduino software (free, download it from http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software. Installation help available at http://arduino.cc/en/Guide/HomePage)

The components you will receive are:


  • Freeduino
  • USB cable
  • Breadboard
  • A selection of red, green and yellow 5mm LEDs
  • Wire
  • Push button switch
  • Tilt switch
  • Light Sensor
  • Potentiometer
  • Resistors
  • 9v Battery & battery clip


We'll have a basic tool-kit you can use, but if you have tools such as wire cutters or strippers, it can't hurt to bring them along to speed things up a bit.

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