
Animated Gizmos

Page history last edited by nikki 15 years, 3 months ago

(8 places, tickets released Friday 6th of November on a first-come first-served basis)


For those folks who have already dabbled with Arduino and want to take it further, we're running a second workshop to introduce you to multiplexing LEDs, driving motors, working with Infra-red remote control and generating cheesy tunes with tinny piezo speakers. These projects will pick up where Gizmos for Beginners left off - perfect for those of you who feel you have the need to scale even greater hacking heights!


The ticket price of £12.50 will provide you with more than an hour of tuition and all the components you need to build mini projects preparing you to tackle message boards, autonomous robot-beings, Infra-red remote control, and birthday greetings for those nearest to your heart.


The prerequisites for this workshop are:
- You have understood more than half the ideas in Gizmos for Beginners (either because you've just done that workshop with us, or because you've worked through some introductory tutorials independently - check with us if you're unsure.)
- You have a (secret) desire to go even further


You will need to bring your own Arduino (or equivalent) and a laptop with version 17 of the Arduino software downloaded and installed on it (http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software http://arduino.cc/en/Guide/HomePage).


The components you will receive are:


  • Breadboard
  • A selection of red, green and yellow 5mm LEDs
  • Wire
  • Piezo speaker
  • Infrared (IR) remote control
  • IR LED
  • IR remote detector
  • Power drive with diode protection (ULN2803)
  • DC motor
  • Resistors
  • Capacitor


We'll have a basic tool-kit you can use, but if you have tools such as wire cutters or strippers, it can't hurt to bring them along to speed things up a bit.

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